Course Outline

Course Overview





Insurmountable Coding Problems

Titis in the Mist…

Must be submitted for Peer Commentary by 5:00 pm Friday, February 07.

Peer Commentary and Final Homework DUE at 5:00 pm Monday, February 10.

Every Saturday morning, at the same time, a primatologist goes and sits in the forest to listen for titi monkey calls, counting the number of calls they hear in a 2 hour window from 5am to 7am. Based on previous knowledge, she believes that the mean number of calls she will hear in that time is exactly 15. Let X represent the appropriate Poisson random variable of the number of calls heard in each monitoring session.

Your Final Assignment for Homework 02

Your final assignment, due to me by 5:00 pm on February 10, is to have in your AN588-Titis-BUlogin repo only the following six (6) files (aside from repo basics like an .Rproj and README file):
    1. The FINAL PUSH of your Original Homework Code, including the five challenges you faced, as pushed to your repo by 5:00 pm on Monday February 10, an R Markdown and HTML file named BUlogin_OriginalHomeworkCode_02.
    2. The FINAL PUSH of the Peer Commentary made on your code, an R Markdown and HTML file named Peerlogin_PeerCommentary_BUlogin_02 or PeerGroupX_PeerCommentary_BUlogin_02.
    3. The FINAL PUSH of your Final Homework Code, which has taken into account any changes recommended from the Peer Commentary and notes, an R Markdown and HTML file named BUlogin_FinalHomeworkCode_02.

Formatting Instructions: Please use the cayman theme (from the {prettydoc} package) in your Final Homework Code, with a Header 2 title for each question you answer. These headers should be organized in a Table of Contents. Add to the top of the document, under your title, your favorite picture or video of a titi monkey that you’re able to find online.

Homework 02 Solutions will be posted on February 11.

NOTE: If you want your homework code to look nice (beyond being very well annotated and commented), and be easy to use by others, you can check out the relatively simply example R Markdown templates in the AN588_Week_3_caschmit repo.

Please also consider consulting the following helpful guidelines on how to write effective R Markdown documents (also available at the end of Module 03), which go well beyond the simple formatting of the templates.