Coding Problems
Week 01 (2023-09-07)
An Introduction to R
History of R
Relation to other languages and statistics software
Installing R and RStudio
Setting up your workspace
Panels: Source, Console, Environment/History, Other
Setting the working directory
Setting up R projects
Saving workspaces
R Basics
Using R interactively
Variables and assignment
R objects
Object types - Vectors and functions
Classes and attributes of objects
Setting up GitHub
Interfacing between R and GitHub
Required Readings
The Book of R
Chapter 1 - Getting Started
Chapter 2 - Numerics, Arithmetic, Assignment, and Vectors
R in Action
Chapter 1 - Getting Started
Chapter 2 - Creating a Dataset
Statistics: An Introduction Using R
Teamwork-Related Readings
Useful But Optional Readings
R Programming for Data Science
Chapter 3 - History and Overview of R
Chapter 5 - R Nuts and Bolts
Statistics: An Introduction Using R
Appendix: Essentials of the R Language
Data Science Preliminaries
Good programming practices
Version control
The Tao of text
Reproducible research using Rmarkdown and {knitr}
Working with data
More object types - arrays, matrices, lists, and data frames
Subsetting and filtering data structures
Class coercion and conversion
Special data values - NA, NaN, Inf
Getting data in and out of R
From csv files - {readr}
From Excel - {readxl}, {XLConnect} and others
From Dropbox - {rdrop2}
From other repositories - {curl}
From databases - {RMySQL}, {RSQLite}, {RPostgreSQL} and others
Summarizing data and exploratory data analysis
Basic descriptive statistics
Simple plotting (boxplots, histograms, scatterplots) - {ggplot2} and
{swirl} Tutorials
Getting and Cleaning Data:
Manipulating Data with {dplyr}
Grouping and Chaining with {dplyr}
Tidying Data with {tidyr}
Required Readings
The Book of R
Chapter 3 - Matrices and Arrays
Chapter 5 - Lists and Data Frames
R in Action
Chapter 3 - Getting Started with Graphs
Chapter 4 - Basic Data Management
R Programming for Data Science
Chapter 6 - Getting Data In and Out of R
Chapter 7 - Using the {readr} Package
Teamwork-Related Readings
Useful But Optional Readings
The Book of R
Chapter 4 - Non-Numeric Values
Chapter 6 - Special Values, Classes, and Coercion
Chapter 8 - Reading and Writing Files
R Programming for Data Science
Chapter 9 - Interfaces to the Outside World
Statistics Fundamentals - Exploratory Data Analysis, Central
Tendency, and Variance
Populations and samples
More on summarizing data
Percentiles, quantiles, confidence intervals
Basic visualization techniques for exploratory data analysis
Beginning R programming
Conditional statements and flow control
{swirl} Tutorials
Getting and Cleaning Data (all exercises)
Required Readings
The Book of R
Chapter 9 - Calling Functions
Chapter 10 - Conditions and Loops
Chapter 11 - Writing Functions
R in Action
Chapter 5 - Advanced Data Management
Chapter 6 - Basic Graphs
Chapter 7 - Basic Statistics
7.1 Descriptive Statistics
7.2 Frequency and Contingency Tables
Statistics: An Introduction Using R
Chapter 3 - Central Tendency
Chapter 4 - Variance
Teamwork-Related Readings
Useful but Optional Readings
The Book of R
Chapter 13 - Elementary Statistics
Chapter 14 - Basic Data Visualization
Week 04 (2023-09-28)
Statistics Fundamentals - Probability and Distributions
Probability and conditional probability
Random variables - dicrete and continuous
Probability mass functions, probability density functions
Cumulative probability function
Useful distributions and their properties
density (d), cumulative probability (p), quantile (q), and random (r)
Q-Q Plots
Standard errors and confidence intervals
Required Readings
The Book of R
Chapter 15 - Probability
Chapter 16 - Common Probability Distributions
Project-Related Readings
Useful but Optional Readings
R Programming for Data Science
Statistical Inference and Basic Hypothesis Testing
Significance and p values
Classic hypothesis testing
One- and two-sample T and Z tests
Type I and Type II error
Statistical power, effect sizes
Required Readings
The Book of R
Chapter 17 - Sampling Distributions and Confidence
Chapter 18 - Hypothesis Testing (through section 18.3)
Statistics Done
Chapter 1 - An Introduction to Statistical Significance
Project-Related Readings
Useful but Optional Readings
Statistics: An Introduction Using R
Chapter 5 - Single Samples
Chapter 6 - Two Samples
Week 06 (2023-10-12)
Introduction to Linear Regression
- Correlation and covariation
- Introduction to linear modeling
- Continuous random predictor and reponse variables
- Simple linear regression (1 predictor and 1 reponse variable)
- Estimating and interpreting regression coefficients
- Model I and Model II regression
- The
- Interference in regression
- Confidence intervals and prediction intervals
- Residuals
{swirl} Tutorials
Regression Models (all exercises)
Required Readings
The Book of R
- Chapter 20 - Simple Linear Regression
R in Action
- Chapter 8 - Regression (through section 8.2)
Useful but Optional Readings
Statistics: An Introduction Using R
Elements of Regression Analysis
- Inference in regression
- Estimating standard errors for regression cofficients
- Model checking
- Partitioning of variance in linear models
- Data transformations
Required Readings
The Book of R
- Chapter 20 - Simple Linear Regression
- Chapter 18 - Hypothesis Testing (section 18.4)
R in Action
- Chapter 8 - Regression (sections 8.3 through 8.8)
Week 08 (2023-10-26)
Basic Categorical Data Analysis and ANOVA
- Regression with categorical predictors
- One- and multiple-factor ANOVA
- Type I, Type II, Type III sums of squares
- Simple categorical data analysis
- Kruskal-Wallis tests
- Chi-Square tests of goodness-of-fit and independence
- Interaction plots to visualize changes across groups
Required Readings
The Book of R
- Chapter 18 - Hypothesis Testing (section 18.4)
- Chapter 19 - Analysis of Variance
R in Action
- Chapter 9 - Analysis of Variance
Useful but Optional Readings
Statistics: An Introduction Using R
- Chapter 8 - Analysis of Variance
Week 09 (2023-11-02)
IMPORTANT! Deadline for choosing your team and topic for
group statistical methods presentation and vignette
Multiple Regression and ANCOVA
- Generating mock data with a defined correlation structure
- Regression with multiple predictors
- More than one continuous predictor
- Combinations of continuous and categorical predictors
- Visualizing linear models with more than one predictor
- Confidence intervals and prediction in multiple regression
- Interactions between predictors
Required Readings
The Book of R
- Chapter 21 - Multiple Linear Regression
Useful but Optional Readings
Statistics: An Introduction Using R
- Chapter 9 - Analysis of Covariance
Model Selection, Generalized Linear Modeling, and Mixed Effects
- Model simplification and selection
- The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and others
- {stats}
- {MASS}
- {AICcmodavg}
- Generalized Linear Modeling
- Dealing with other response variables types - counts, binary
- Introduction to mixed effects modeling and nonlinear models
- Assessing model fit for GLMs and mixed models using {MuMIn}
- Check-in on group project team-building and development.
Required Readings
R in Action
- Chapter 8 - Regression (section 8.6)
- Chapter 13 - Generalized Linear Models
Statistics: An Introduction Using R
- Chapter 12 - Other Response Variables
Useful but Optional Readings
Week 11 (2023-11-16)
Same readings as last week, plus:
B.M., Brooks, M.E., Clark, C.J., Geange, S.W., Poulsen, J.R., Stevens,
M.H.H., White, J-S.S. (2008) Generalized linear mixed models: a
practical guide for ecology and evolution. Trends in Ecology and
Evolution 24(3):127-135.
Week 12 (2023-11-23)
A Very Brief Introduction to Bayesian Methods
- Bayesian vs. frequentist statistics
- Basics and Bayes’ Theorem
- Priors (when they matter and when they don’t)
- Implementing Bayesian (regression) models in
- Using {MCMCglmm}
- Burn-in, iterations, and intervals
- Model assessment
- Implementing Bayesian models in the {rethinking} package
More details coming soon!
- Check-in on group project team-building and development.
Useful but (also )Optional Readings
Week 13 (2023-11-30)
Group Presentations and Vignettes
Week 14 (2023-12-07)
Group Presentations and Vignettes